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Meet Jane

Jane Enright, wellness author, smiling

In 1994 I had the privilege to meet Peter Drucker; an expert in organizational Change Management. When I asked him for one piece of advice about life, he replied: “Jane, nobody likes a change except a wet baby.” That quote was an aha! moment for me. His words provided insight and inspiration to successfully launch my career as a creative problem solver, and helped me navigate change in my own life.



When asked to describe ourselves, often the first things that come to mind are family, career, and interests. However, there is another fundamental factor that defines us -it’s the people who become the main characters in the stories of our lives. Sometimes, when something terrible happens, such as a devastating personal injury, a catastrophic accident, or the death of the main character, this makes us question everything.

Pam Crichton - Ten West Photography

If you are still reading you need to know I am an ordinary person. I have also been through, and survived, some extraordinary life-changing experiences and come out the other end better than I was before.


My life has not always been super awesome. Some of my experiences, many beyond my control, have been super awful, pushing me to limits I did not know was possible. This includes enduring three life-altering, uncontrollable events, losing everything in the span of 12 months. Throughout it all, I was able to look at the lighter side of life and understand that embracing change, staying positive, and having faith is the difference between having a super rotten life, and a super awesome one.  

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Jane Enright in front of blue helicopter in Hawaii

Chapter One of My Super Awesome Life was a spectacular 2-month trip with my sons aged 23 and 20 to San Francisco, Hawaii, New Zealand, Fiji, and Australia. At this point, you might be saying to yourself; “how did she get her kids aged 23 and 20 to travel together with her for 2 months?” Easy, they applied for Work/Travel Visas for Australia and I “dropped them off.” Moreover, I suggested we take a more circuitous route to get there. During that trip, I found the clarity of thought I needed to discover my new path, and the vision required to make it happen.


This website is not about self-help jargon. It is edutainment for the soul. My goal is to inspire and encourage you -- with a healthy dose of humour along the way -- to successfully embrace and navigate change so you can move forward, not backward, make your ideas happen, and create the new and improved storyline of your super awesome life. 


It is an honour to share my stories and ideas with you and I welcome your comments and feedback.  Thanks for hanging in there with me and I look forward to engaging with you.


Until then, stay super awesome!



Jane Enright wearing pink top and sunglasses

Pam Crichton - Ten West Photography

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