Fall is traditionally a season of thanksgiving--a reminder to all of us to count our blessings. For me being grateful includes sharing kindness. Kindness connects and rewards all of us. Not only does kindness help make us and others feel loved and supported, it is also a super awesome way to support our communities, friends, and family to move forward, not backward, and stay positive during uncertain times.
Here are some super awesome suggestions all of us can show kindness:
Provide Encouragement: We all have people in our lives who are struggling with their self-confidence and questioning whether or not they are capable of completing something they would like to do. Being a cheerleader can help them reach their goals. We also all feel better when someone has a kind thing to say.
Share Your Way Back Play Back Pictures: Create a collage or video of your favorite photographs to share with friends and family online so you can reminisce about some fun times and share some smiles.
Write A Love Letter: A handwritten note is a lovely way to show someone you care about what you are thinking of them. If you are busy, or like me your handwriting is atrocious, there is always email.
Celebrate Good News: There are, and will always be, weddings, recoveries, milestones, graduations, new babies, new jobs, accomplishments, victories, and anniversaries to celebrate. Let’s share these moments any way we can.
Be Inclusive: Chances are you might know someone right now who is single, alone, or lonely, Someone who would really appreciate sharing a meal or having some time together over the holidays. Inviting that person to participate in virtual or in-person “friendsgiving time” via Zoom, Skype, or Facetime, is a fun, easy, and safe way to connect. It lets that individual know you are thinking about them. It is also an effortless and safe way to express your gratitude for their friendship. The gift of conversation is a gift of kindness.
